Visibility into your project’s resources, schedule, and performance with a single click. Project and phase creation is automated with our Deltek Vision integration. Adding resources is as simple as search, then drag-and-drop onto the phase. You can even copy teams across phases or projects. Search resources by name or role.
Advanced Financials:
Complex financial integrations and forecasting
Planifi tightly integrates with financial ERP's, allowing leaders to have access to some of the most advanced forecasting capabilities available. From automatically using per project rates to applied escalation rates to understand project performance years in the future.
Easy Plan Creation is the First Step to Success:

Custom metrics and analytic dashboards
Custom calculations can be created to show key metrics throughout Planifi and delivered in email dashboards.

Profit targets and projected target variances by project
Set profitability by automatically and manage by exception where needed, so everyone understands your profitability targets for each project.

Automatically applies client rates used to invoice to the project
No need for project managers to know which rates to pick and apply on the project plan.
Multiple Rate Escalation methods
Escalate rates on projects on a compounding percentage basis or on a fixed schedule so that managers can understand what it will cost to execute projects years in to the future.

Get a 360-view of your entire project portfolio. With project actuals from Deltek Vision, make changes in a single screen with a complete budget and availability context. No more flipping from screen to screen.
Import from Excel
Plan a project and staff in seconds
Excel templates can be used to to quickly and easily import project plans.
Keep Plans Up to Date and Make Changes With Context: